Monday, May 10, 2010

2010’s Color of the Year

Pantone’s pick for 2010’s trend color is #15-5519 - which is consider Turquoise - one of my favorites. 

The soothing blue-green coordinates with sooooo many other colors; browns, grays, black, yellows, metallics, and you can adapt Turquoise to so many different styles; South Western, Contemporary, Retro, Sixties. 

Plus... think how tan you look when wearing it!

I’m thrilled with this year’s choice from Pantone. The way the delegations come about is a little complicated. Pantone watches the designers and fashion forecasters and they in turn watch Pantone. But the Pantone color wheel is what the designers and retailers reference when placing orders with factories.
Their article is attached as well as a few products from Hootenanny featuring this lovely color. Enjoy!