Sunday, February 14, 2010

Getting Ready for a Show

I'm off to a show in Texas. The Round Top Antique Show. Having never been, I'm really excited. It will be Spring while there. So the planning of what merchandise to bring and how to build the booth consumes my head for weeks. Almost everything my husband wants to throw out, I come up with a way to use it to display products on it. I also get excited about new items I plan to present. My daughter, Chelsea, is helping put herself through college by hand painting wine glasses and decorating them with Swarovski Crystals. She is so talented and I am thrilled to have her involved in my business.
I'm also looking forward to the road trip. It will take about 3 days. Crossing through Arizona, my home state, then New Mexico and on into Texas. Although the original show is in Round Top (been around since 1967) my booth is in the new Marketplace in Warrenton, Texas. "Down the road a bit"

Check out this website for more info on the show

I'll keep you all posted!